Sania Maskatiya shows off in London at Faisana fashion Weekend. The designer dazzled the runway with the acclaimed ‘Kuamka: Awakening’ collection at PFDC Sunsilk Style Week recently held in Pakistan. It’s the time to showcase the best to the London viewers, the house of Sania Maskatiya took their critically acclaimed assortment to London’s Mayfair with a showcase of Faisana model Weekend organized through Aamna & Aisha.
The brand has further nominated for an International Woolmark Prize (IWP) within the India and heart East Nominees for 2014/15. The Sania Maskatiya model was first put forward for nomination with the aid of the Pakistan Model Design Council.
Sania Maskatiya Showcased Beautiful Summer Collection At London Fashion Week 2014.
1. Sania Maskatiya Collection at London Fashion Week 2014
Sania Maskatiya Showcased Beautiful Summer Collection At London Fashion Week 2014.