Renowned designer Nadia Rehan recently exhibited her all-new Eid collection at Nadia Rehan Studio in Defence on Khayaban-e-Mujahid. She is hailed for her pret line which has a record off-take from the shelves. Her exhibitions are generally a sold-out owing to the fact that she offers classy fabric, stylishly sculpted and at extremely affordable rates. “My recent exhibition catered to women of varied tastes. There was something for everyone – from the young and feisty to the graceful and mellow. I had opted for bright shades beautified with add-ons and diamantes. The evening was quite spectacular in terms of sales and I am thankful to all my clients who always love my exclusive pieces,” shared Nadia.
The event was attended by fashionistas and friends of the designer who could all be seen going through the racks, appreciating the smart attire. Media and PR for the event was managed by IDEAS Events PR.
While most designers spend oodles on publicity and promotion – Nadia Rehan believes in focusing entirely on her work. And the dedication surely shows in her striking creations.
Nadia has not only garnered the reputation of being a versatile and talented designer but has also proved to be a source of inspiration for younger designers. Be it the evergreen pishwaz, jumpsuit or the digital printed separates – that are totally IN these days – Nadia has literally “been there, done that!” Only for the rest to follow!
Nadia plunged into designing some 16 years ago to cater to the fashion industry, designing and producing a line of clothes that are not only smart and elegant but extremely affordable at the same time.
Nadia always knew that it was fashion designing for her and the thought of doing something else never even crossed her mind.
Doing her bit and in a successful fashion, Nadia has designed beautiful fusion separates as well as complete suits, dresses, gowns, jumpsuits, thread works, casuals… You name it and she’s done it.
Nadia is a futuristic designer who always creates designs ahead of time. This was evident on the day of the exhibition as one got to see quite a few cuts and silhouettes that have not yet been done by other designers.
About the fact that Nadia has been a source of inspiration for the younger lot, she said, “Indeed my designs have been shared and re-produced by designers; however, this phenomenon has always been a source of inner satisfaction and happiness for me as I realise that my work has the calibre that many a designer would like to share.”
The exhibition was an astounding success as most of the outfits had been sold by evening. Watch this space for more on Nadia Rehan!